Hello! Thank you for stopping by and checking out some of my recipes.
My name is Mia, a Filipina, mom of four, and wife to a very hardworking Russian guy. I’m originally from Cebu, Philippines and currently living in Sacramento, California since 2008.
This blog is my creative outlet and also a place to put together recipes I learned over the years into one website. I do not have professional culinary training, rather I’m just an ordinary gal with a keen interest in food and cooking. I derive most of my inspirations from my mom who is a natural-born cook, family and friends who can “actually” cook, and from my favorite celebrity chefs.
Growing up, I’ve always known my mom to have a knack for creating tasty dishes even with limited ingredients, and she enjoys what she does. Because of her skills, she was often hired to cook for a crowd during fiestas and other celebrations in Philippines such as weddings, birthdays, baptismal, and other large parties. The thing that amazes me most is her ability to cook every part of a butchered animal (e.g. pig) and turn them into a palatable meal. That feat I will attempt to do one day, hopefully.
I grew up eating home-cooked foods, thanks to Mama! I believe I can emulate her example and pass on to my own children the experience of eating healthy, freshly prepared meals, enjoyed with the rest of the family. That’s why I am continuously improving my kitchen skills and knowledge. Since I got married, I cook meals everyday for the family and also every time there’s a party. Fortunately, I married a man who also enjoys cooking and eating homemade dishes. He’s Russian, I’m Filipino. We brought in an interesting mix of cultural influences into our cooking.
Here you will find a collection of Filipino and Russian recipes that I learn from both sides of the family, and everything in between. Some are inspired from others and tweaked to make them my own.I present my recipes in an easy step by step format with photos to help newbie cooks learn better. Some recipes are my own creation and discovery.I really enjoy coming up with ideas for making a particular dish, and sharing them because it is such a fulfilling experience.
A little background about myself…I am a polio survivor since I was a baby. My legs are weak and paralyzed. Since the age of 5, I’ve been using crutches in walking. Many people not familiar with polio always assume that I had an accident, which I always welcome with a smile. With the help of my parents and many kind people I met through life, I was able to go to school and finished a Bachelor’s degree. Growing up different and in an environment and culture where having a handicap isn’t widely understood and accepted, I struggled and fought hard to be treated with dignity and respect. I’ve come a long way and I thank God for giving me the strength and wisdom to make life choices that led me to where I am today. I am happily married with 4 adorable young children and a husband who loves and accepts me as I am. My family keeps me grounded and is the reason why I’m working hard everyday to become a better person. Discovering my passion for cooking brings me joy and inspiration. It has pointed me to a place inside myself that tells me that when it comes to food “we are all equal”. Equal in the sense that everybody can enjoy and eat and get nourishment from the food we put in our body regardless of our race and background. Cooking is both a science and an art–a form of expression that anyone can truly enjoy. I believe in the saying “anyone can cook”, as I have proven to myself and to everyone who believes. Despite my physical limitations, I dared to conquer any tasks in the kitchen, preparing meals for my family and sharing with others simple and delicious recipes, so they too can learn, discover, and eat meals that they personally make.
All content in this blog including photographs are owned by me and should not be copied/reposted without my permission. If you wish to use my recipes and photos, I allow it only when you link it back to the original post. For any other questions, please leave a comment or send me a message through the contact form below.
So welcome and enjoy!
Since you live in Sacramento, do you shop at Sea Food City?
Yes, I shop there when I need some ingredients that I can’t find at the closest Asian store. Love that place. It’s like 5 miles from where I live.
Me, too. It smells like Manila!!
I’ve been there a few times whenever I visit my mom. I can’t believe how many Filipinos are there. It does feel like I was in the Philippines when I go there
Yes, I agree!
Miam miam!
Love the new design, Mia! Looks so clean and organized. BTW, I am linking back to your loslos recipe. I cooked the ribs for lunch today and they were awesome! Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks Ms. Lalaine and you’re welcome. I’m very glad you like how it turned out
Hi kababayan! Thanks for the follow! You’re great!
Thank you Sheryl! You too
I was recently ‘told off’ by a blogger (not a follower I might add), who said my style of ‘welcome’ note was very much against blogging etiquette. Hmm, well I hope not to cause offence, but as you volunteered to become a follower of Uncle Spike’s Adventures, I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you, and that I appreciate your ‘follow’ as there are so many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.
Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our farm in Turkey. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.
I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process. That’s not me trying to be pushy or ‘spamming’, but just want you to know what I’m all about.
Thanks again and hope you have a great day…
Thanks! I read a couple of your posts and I’m sure I’ll be reading more because I find them interesting.
That sounds good to me Mia. As a new set of eyes, you have are in the unique position to advise me should you find things I could improve on; and let’s face it, we can all do better, so I’m happy to listen. Use my mail address if you have the need.
Regards, Spike
Awesomeness! For God’s glory!
Thank you, Joseph!
Hi Ms. Mia i added you to my favorite blogs
Beautiful person you are!

Thank you very much! I’m humbled. Thanks for stopping by
Hi Mia. You are an inspiration. Keep on sharing. Cheers sa mga Bisdak
Thanks, Anna! Proud to be a Bisdak
Hi Mia, You are my idol, thanks for sharing, Basta Bisdak lami magluto ” kampay “
Salamat, Sir Joefrey! Mabuhay tang mga Bisaya
I had tears in my eyes upon reading this. You are such an inspiration to many of us who take many things for granted. I’ve been coming back regularly to your blog and tried cooking some Filipino foods. You did a great job, Mia! I wish I am as courageous as you are. Many thanks for your recipes. With love, from Germany!
Thank you for visiting often, Renee! And thanks for the very kind words. Glad to inspire others with my work. God bless you!
Hello Mia! I am Filipina (born here in America) and married to a Russian-speaking Ukrainian! We also live here in Sacramento , CA! I was so surprised stumbling upon your website… I was originally looking for pictures on Google for half Filipina/ half Russian children to see what our future kids may look like hehe. And I found your website!! How awesome!! I love your recipes , my dear … Our kitchens have so much in common! ^_^
Hello Jona! Wow, I am so glad to hear from a fellow Filipina married to Russian! Seems like there aren’t many of us :-D. Thanks for the visit and for leaving a comment. Sounds like you enjoyed cooking as well. Can you share your favorite recipes?
I am Ukrainian and my husband is Filipino. We have a 2.5 year old daughter. Everyone stops us all the time to say how beautiful she is!! It’s a good combo
I agree, Alla! My kids got a lot of compliments too.:-) My husband’s dad is Ukrainian while his mom is Russian. It’s a wonderful combination
Hi Mia!
I am Ukraikiand and my husband is Filipino. I love to cook and want to incorporate dishes from both of our cultures.
I’m looking forward to exploring your page and using sone recipes!
Hello Alla! Glad you stopped by. Feel free to use my recipes in your cooking adventures
I am so excited I found your site! I was raised by my lola on Filipino food and I long for the comfort of her cooking! It just so happens my best friend/roommate is from russia, and so your website is PERFECT for our household. I cannot wait to try your recipes!
Hello, I love all the food you posted. and I will try cooking it
thank you.
Thank you!
I am going to attempt to make the sweet rice cake. Can I cook the sweet rice in a rice cooker?I also have an instant pot can I also use it as a slow cooker? Thank you.
Hi, Connie! Yes, you can definitely use a rice cooker to cook the sweet rice. Just make sure you don’t overcook the rice because you still have to cook it further with the coconut milk. As for your second question, the answer is also Yes.
Pagkalami sa imong siopao asado! Thanks for the recipe. God bless
Hello! Thanks to Lalaine of Kawaling Pinoy, I have just now found your blog. Your list of recipes sounds really good to me. I am going to be trying a good many of them! By the way, can Plantains be used in place of saba bananas in your banana meat recipe? I cannot always find saba where I live.
I love your humba recipe! Thanks for posting
I am a Filipina married to a Ukrainian. We also get a lot of compliments regarding our son’s looks.
I am not a good cook but I have learned to make some Ukrainian dishes from my late morher-in-law who was an excellent cook.
I hope to learn how to cook more Russian dishes.
What Filipino dish does your family like? I haven’t tried to serve Filipino food to them since they don’t eat rice. If it’s something like plof (or paella/Valenciana in our case) then it’s okay. My husband is very traditional and likes his borsch, variniki, blini, etc.
Hi! I am following your blog! I’m originally from Cebu too!
Hi! I came across your blog and your Biko Tapol recipe as I wanted to make a strikingly blue/purple rice cake which I intend to serve as a dessert for some Swedish friends. Your recipe looks and sounds wonderful and I love the photos of the various stages of cooking the biko. Thank you and I shall give this a try! I have a question – can I cook the biko say, 2 days in advance, freeze it and warm it in the microwave? Look forward to your reply, thanks!
Hi Rowi,
I haven’t tried freezing the biko and warming it up later on. But I tried putting it in the fridge and letting it sit at room temperature 1-2 hours before serving. The biko tastes better when you make it ahead of time
So glad I found this, honestly struggling with Russian recipe. Having your website is like cooking in our home with a twist, comfy and cozy. Thanks a lot. Looking forward to seeing more.
Hi, Mia! My husband and I stumbled upon your site by searching Suman and Latik recipes. I am from Russia and he is from Manila. We have a daughter. It’s so nice to know we are not alone in having a Russopina kid and Russian/Filipino household. Thank you for all the great recipe ideas and the spirit of inclusion you bring to this world. Salamat/Spasibo !
Thank you. Now I know how to boil kamote.
Hi Mia, tonight my husband and i made your white bread recipe and i have to say it is the best recipe by far we have ever tried. Thank you for sharing not just your amazing recipes but also your amazing story. So inspired by you. I also have some form of arthritis that sometimes gets in the way but you are right by faith we are able to conquer anything.I pray you and tour family are safe in these challenging times. I can’t wait to try all your other recipes.:) Thank you again and God bless!
I found your site when I was searching for the LOSLOS recipe, thank you for sharing by the way. Other reason why I am reaching out to you, my sister also has polio, like you I am also from Dalaguete. To my knowledge my sister was one of the few that was affected by disease, she is the age the BB Gemma. Like you, she did not let her polio got her way, she is now have Doctor in Law. Amping cge!
HI Mia!
It’s so wonderful that you have started a Filippino-Russian foodie blog )
I am a Russian-Korean married to a Filipino – Chinese and we are based in Cebu.
Our dinner table is always an eclectic mix of all these 4 cultures! haha
I’ve just baked a batch of Pandesal according to your recipe and they turned out deiliciously ))
It’s very nice to meet you!
– Anna
I am a filipino married to Chinese born in Vietnam living in Canada with 3 boys. My wife does all the cooking and I recently became interested in cooking and came across your website via searching for Empanada recipes. I read your bio and your mom reminds me of my mom just without the pig part. I seen your monggo dessert recipe and want to let you know I saved your website to my favorites and look foward to using alot of your recipes. Thanks!
When I lived in Manila in the 70’s and early 80’s, one of the last of the old Russians who had come to Manila via Tsing Tao China was still living and entertaining. He was very entertaining, so many stories, ranging from a privileged childhood in Yalta, to escaping from Siberia via China, acting as auto mechanic to warlords, enjoying the first (maybe only) Buick dealership in Tsing Tao, and when the Japanese invaded, ending up in Manila, no passport but plenty of recipes. By the time I attended his Sunday receptions, it was a true fusion cuisine, although the vodka and pickle toasting routine remained unaltered! Whew! Finding your site has brought back happy memories, and here where I live in Martinez, CA, we too have a Seafood City as well as a Ranch Market. I look forward to trying your recipes. (My own contribution to FilAm fusion was to stuff sio bao buns with chili con carne, to take on picnics. I was then working on a book about the galleon trade and how foods from Asia and foods from Mexico found new homes on two continents…never fiinished it, but food is the true natural diversity and plurality of the world!) Best regards, Elizabeth